March 7, 2012
Dear Master Jack:

Lady M tells me that you are doing extremely well. I am so very glad to hear this.

Let me continue to tell you about the celebration that was given for my siblings and I. After all my family members had greeted Lady Lian and thanked her for coming (all the way from China no less!), the rest of the dragons who were at the celebration came up and introduced themselves. There was much bowing, and many of the older dragons greeted the golden dragon with flowery language that made us younglings giggle. I thought it was rather silly until Grandfather Frenthfar explained that Chinese dragons are used to talking in such a way, and our guests were doing their best to show respect for Lady Lian.

When all the greeting and bowing finally ended, the musicians returned to their instruments and the dancing resumed. Lady Lian stood on the sidelines and watched the guests circle and dip, step and sway. She seemed to be enjoying herself and her head nodded slightly with the beat of the music. Grandfather Frenthfar danced with Mother and with Aunt Branwen and then I saw him go over to the musicians and whisper in Grandmother’s ear. 

When the piece of music ended, instead of beginning another one Grandmother talked to the other musicians for a moment or two and then she began to play an exotic sounding melody on a six-stringed instrument. I watched as she drew a bow across the strings to make a silvery sound that was quite lovely. The other musicians joined in and soon the Hall was full of the sound of tootling pipes, whispering flutes, soft little bells, gentle drumming, and Grandmother’s melody. To everyone’s amazement, Lady Lian began to sway and rock. Slowly she danced into the center of the room and her beautiful golden body rippled and curved. I now understood that Grandfather Frenthfar had asked Grandmother to play a piece of music that Lady Lian would like, a piece that was like the music she heard at home in China.

The music was so magical that I felt drawn by it. Though I felt shy and unsure of myself, I joined Lady Lian and tried to copy her movements. Since I was a small Welsh dragon with short legs, a little body and stubby wings, I found it hard to do what she did. Tesni soon joined me and we had a grand time trying to be graceful like our guest. I am afraid that the best we could manage were some rather clumsy wiggles, but Lady Lian smiled and encouraged us. Soon the room was full of dragons dancing the dance of the golden dragon.

When the Chinese melody ended Grandmother Frenthfar played in Irish dance and soon we were hopping around and clapping, having a wonderful time. Lady Lian joined in and seeing her shimmy and skip around with the rest of us made me feel warm all the way through.

Eventually I grew tired. Father made a big soft bed of blankets for me and I lay down. Tesni and the others soon joined me and I remembered falling asleep to the sound of feet stamping, claps, and ripples of harp music.

When I woke up I was back in my bed at our family cave. Someone had carried me and my siblings home in the night. I heard Father’s voice, and then Lady Lian’s voice. Delighted to find out that the Chinese dragon was visiting us, I quickly got up and went out into the main cave. My parents and Lady Lian were sitting in front of the fireplace, sipping from mugs of steaming cider.

“A good morning to you, Gryf,” Father said. “I hope you slept well.”

“Yes thank you, Father, though my legs feel a little sore.”

“You are not accustomed to dancing, Gryf,” Lady Lian said, her golden eyes smiling down at me.

“No, I have never danced before, but I thought it was wonderful fun,” I said, feeling a little shy.

“That it was, and your parents have kindly invited me to stay with you for a week or so. I have never traveled to Wales before and it will be interesting to see how my dragon kin live in this part of the world.”

“Have you been to many other places and seen many kinds of dragons?” I asked.

“Yes indeed, I have been lucky enough to travel all over Asia, to Africa, and to the forested lands in the north where very few humans live.

“Ooh, do tell me about the dragons you have met and the places you have seen,” I begged.

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